Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lets just ramble a bit shall we

Can I say I have had an amazingly crazy month or so. My life is always so random and amazing to me. Let me catch you up quickly. Instead of Christmas in Indiana we all opted for Christmas in sunny California. So I planned a trip and all FIVE of my family members flew to Los Angeles. We spent 4 awesome days there and I loved every moment of it all. I wouldnt change it for anything in the world. So needless to say were pretty stinkin broke right now, but God will make a way out of no way. Oh I got a promotion! (go GOD!) now I am the Part-time Supervisor of said Maternity Store. I am so encouraged and feel like my hard work this last year with this company has paid off. Im still working my butt off though because I still have goals of being further ahead then I am now. Pray for me!

This is going to sound so silly but since I have only been going to church in my adulthood for a couple of years now, I havent had the oppurtunity to talk to people about the Lord. I got a nice chance to share some things with a girl at work and can I say... It felt like an honor to be able to share what giving my heart to Jesus has done for me. I felt like a prized pony or something just beaming with proudness and tears streaming to reiterate that im still a sap. This poor girl thought that since she was a sinner she wasnt a baptist... Ok one really has nothing to do with the other. being a sinner is enevitable and to be a baptist just means you believe in "once saved always saved". All Christians are sinners, and anyone that says they are not, IS LYING. So have faith young one we all can change. Look at me. two words SEPTUM PIERCING, and God still loves me.

I can honestly say to you that nothing negative has come out of believing in Jesus. Haters are going to hate no matter what religion you are. But now I have a peace, a joy and a hope that makes my life even More worth living. I love morals! They make you who you are. Morals keep you safe, and inspire you to be better by maintaining then. If you dont like morals, maybe you should look introspectively and figure out why you its ok to hurt people with your actions. Lack of morals does nothing but allow you to act like some sort of animal. Rules are great people, they keep us safe.

Hmm what else can I bore you with? My daughter is gone for 3 weeks in CA with her father. Its a nice little break and I can work nonstop without worrying about daycare. I feel almost human and that inspires me to be an even better mom for Miss stinky pants.

Hopefully you guys understand now that I love You! God loves you
and if I didnt I wouldnt be sharing myself with you. Whoever you are =)

Praising the Lord,
Little Servant Doni

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1 corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 - 11

9 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 11 Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Today lets realize we are all sinners, weather or not you are a person sang on the list in this song, we have all done wrong. But we are SAVED so lets focus on the love we can share and the things that ARE SAID (in songs and in HIS WORD), not the things that our human minds can elude to. GOD IS LOVE. HE loves EVERYONE. Yes, he IS righteous and glorious and mysterious and all powerful. but he loves every sinner. even You. Shine your light and share gods love!

Lord I pray that people can focus on the good in your music, in your LOVE and in your word. We know the devil can taint anything, so please allow us the spirit of dissernment to see what is true and just in everything. Allow us the ability to filter out the dirt and just keep the GOLD. In Jesus name AMEN.

Little Servant Doni

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hard days make me want to go crazy!

I just want to give up. I have to pull really deep from within to get through them, and it takes all of my might not to flip out on people because of them. Then I think of the grace of the Lord and that alone inspires me to give to others what he has given to me. Grace Hope and Love. and oh yes it sounds so EASY. But its not. Its not easy to love that guy who cut you off on the freeway. Its not so easy to love your kids when they drive you up the wall. Its not so easy to love that guy that incesstantly asks you for change at the grocery store. Or your boss who wants to explain to you the importance of the NO RED PEN POLICY... Our lives are full of people that seem unlovable. But you should try to love them as much as you can. Society also has to live with us and our nuances so we could attempt to give out a little Mercy as God does for us. Sometimes we are the person cutting someone else off, sometimes we are the overly sensitive screaming person at the store, sometimes we too are not perfect.

How do we learn to love people more? I really don't have any specific answer but I think it starts with Value. How much do you value yourself and your own life? How much do you value your neighbor? I myself am a complete hippie so I love everyone from the stinky to the unintelligible. I too have my moments where I could love more. Give more. Be more.  Do you feel like you owe anything to your Society? Your community? I do! I tihnk were supposed to be in villages helping each other. If you know your neighbors stinky why not send him some soap. If you have a local bum, bring him a sandwhich etc. We could all try to do something to show love caring and compassion. Dont you want people to love and be compassionate to you?

We are all precious gifts from God. We need to value ourselfes and our bodies and regard them as temples. Even if you aren't a Christian, Dont you think we are more then walking vessels of nothing? We are important, we are amazing and we are awesome in our individuality. We all have our pitfalls and issues but none of this makes you or I unlovable, or unimportant. We matter, and if only to God each day we wake up is proof that we have SOMETHING left to do on this earth. God has NUMEROUS plans for us EVERYDAY!

Why do we forget that? We trudge through the day as if we have no purpose and grumble and complain about whats NOT happening. Everyday there are chances to show comeone love. To be a friend to someone. To make a special moment for your spouse. Or to call your grandparents. To Smile at the unsmilable and hug the unlovable. Lets try to integrate small things into our lifes to better not only our own lives but someone elses! This isnt me lecturing you, I think I needed to hear this myself and from the Sermon on sunday to my thoughts today it seems to be a theme for now.

You have purpose in the little things you do everyday. SO do them with love and sincerity and they can change someones life. and that could include your own =)

Be Blessed Ya'll,
Little Servant Doni

Monday, October 24, 2011

Who Am I? What am I? Where Am I?

Little servant Doni... Who am I and What am I? Well I am a woman 30 years of age.I am a Mother of a beautiful 4 year old girl. Wife of a fantastic man of God. Step mother to two awesome kids. I work at a retail store that sells Maternity clothes. I try to be active in church as much as possible. I am a daughter a sister an Aunt cousin etc. Im probably just like you. I have many tattoos and they definately help to tell the story of a very free-spirited and determined girl. I have few regrets and look forward to every day of my future. I adore music and the beauty of a song. The feelings that can erupt, or be portrayed through music are magical to me. I love animals! I am an on and off vegetarian (depending on how full my pockets are lol. Its way cheaper to eat meat.) Purveyor of the outdoors and lover of people, their lives, and situations, I am still an enigma to myself and have a lot to explore in life still.

Where am I? Hmm at home. Here in Indianapolis. I am a newleywed, aprox 16 months now =) I am madly in love. Key word is Mad lol he drives me crazy (in the best way of course) Love drives me crazy. Its so amazing. I have been working with the same company for a year now.  I am still trying to find what makes me truly happy as far as work and life. I used to dance and sing and socialize and play... now I just kind of stay home. I definately have no sense of a career for myself yet. Hippies don't want to work. I guess in a sense my old hippie just wants to be free to create and LOVE. That should be my job. LOVER. I am a preachers wife. Newly so , so please refrain from attempting to box me into a genre. Im the oddest preachers wife I have ever met. I am glad God is more accepting of me then most people LOL I am trying my hardest and best to walk a straighter path that is more narrow and pointed towards God. When I think of heaven I know I want to go (even if it does scare me... but everything scares me. I'll go into that later), and I know Id love to see my friends and family members there too. So I guess that is where I am at.

Who are you? and where are you at? Thats my interactive question for the day.

Love and Blessings,
Little Servant Doni

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just the Beginning...

Hey, its me! Doni. For those of you that know me: thank you for loving me enough to visit me here. For you that don’t : Welcome! My name is Doni. Its amazingly awesome to meet you. Am I usually this bubbly? God willing! I love being a joyous loving and laughing child of Christ. That being said I am human. I am fallible. and at times I downright suck, But I hope that I can use this page to inspire myself and maybe others to continue or even begin a new Faith walk. Never give up on yourself, you are loved and worthy of the love that this life has to offer!

This blog will serve as an outlet for my ranting raving discussions photos etc. My goal is to highlight my walk with God. Its ups and downs, its blessings and its hardships. Id love to have open discussions and hear your ideals and viewpoints on anything I post.

I really just needed an outlet. My life has been so pent up I totally needed a space where I know God can here me and Maybe you can too?!?!? Can you hear me now?

Much More to come.
Little Servant Doni