Today lets realize we are all sinners, weather or not you are a person sang on the list in this song, we have all done wrong. But we are SAVED so lets focus on the love we can share and the things that ARE SAID (in songs and in HIS WORD), not the things that our human minds can elude to. GOD IS LOVE. HE loves EVERYONE. Yes, he IS righteous and glorious and mysterious and all powerful. but he loves every sinner. even You. Shine your light and share gods love!
Lord I pray that people can focus on the good in your music, in your LOVE and in your word. We know the devil can taint anything, so please allow us the spirit of dissernment to see what is true and just in everything. Allow us the ability to filter out the dirt and just keep the GOLD. In Jesus name AMEN.
Little Servant Doni