Did you know that we are rich compared to other countries and other families even here in the US. and that our pennies are like hard DAYS work for them. Give something back. Help a neighbor. Donate to a charity. Give that bum $1. Donate some old toys or clothes. Sing to an old person. None of us here on this earth should be without.God placed each and everyone of us here to help someone else. He did not put us here to heard riches while our brothers and sisters starve. Its not a personal opinion. Its biblical. I cant quote right now because Im late for work but it IS biblical. we need to be helpers and aiders and lovers of our people.Gods people.
What has happened to the village or community mentalities. From helping you neighbor watch their kids to correcting someones child at chuch... we have stopped helping each other to advance help and enrich each others families.remember that phrase "it takes a village" well it really does and as Christians and lovers of Jesus we need to think more about GOD and us and we, instead of me and mines.
People are starving Ya'll.Starving! I don't even care what got them there. Booze, bad decisions, drugs, etc. EVERYONE is entitled to their own mistakes. But now who is going to help them? We should. Each and every one of us should be doing whatever it is that we can do. Not begrundgingly but in the name of the LORD! We should be out loving restoring and giving because we are loved, we are forgiven and we are SAVED. Ok I am late for work but chew on that. Share your thoughts. Please. Feel free. I like to hear what you think.
Have a Blessed beautful Summer Day. Thank you Jesus.
Little Servant Doni