I really didn't know that other denominations celebrated lent! I am pretty sheltered in some ways. So this year some of you know I have joined the ministry SDI (The Sacred Dance Institute) and we have to fast for the next 97 days. Yup you heard me right, 40 days for the Father, 7 days for Jesus Christ, and 50 days for the Holy Spirit. When this assignment was placed on me I had no clue where to start or what to do or what I was even doing it for. So lets talk a little about Lent.
What is Lent? In layman's terms I will describe Lent as a preparation of the believer through prayer, penance, repentance, alms giving, and SELF- DENIAL. The goal is to get closer to God through this experience, to be enlightened to his word and his spirit, and to pay homage to God/Jesus and all that he sacrificed for us. When you think of everything that God/Jesus has done for you is it really such a chore to give up something you love (that is typically something that is BAD for you) for a few months? At first I thought " oh gosh what will I have to deprive myself of?". But now I think of it as something positive. It is an honor and a privileged to be able to honor my God through sacrifice, and is it really awful to give up BAD things that are not really getting you anything but pleasure to your flesh?
So what am I giving up for lent? Cupcakes are number one. I love them, but come on, that is a fleshly pleasure that makes me fat. Shopping (i.e. makeup clothes shoes etc). I have more then enough of all of these things and just because I like new things doesn't mean that I HAVE to have them when I have more then enough of these things in my home ( I have kept my $10 glam bag subscription though ladies so at least ill get makeup once a month! Praise God for that). Eating out. we all know that I am a food junkie and it costs a lot of money to eat out, my goal is to make healthy meals at home and if I am craving something from a restaurant I will just try and recreate it in a HEALTHY way at my home. So that's where I am starting, I am open to God's will and wisdom and if he tells me to give up something else, I will do it.
What am I praying to gain from all of this? Enlightenment, closeness to God, I hope to open myself up so that I can flow in the Holy Spirit more frequently and easily, I hope to get a healthier body which will hopefully make for a healthier pregnancy and strengthen me as a dancer, and to find myself in Christ's body as a whole. Please pray for m that I can experience learn and achieve these things.
Today's Lenten Scripture for me comes from Isaiah 58. Read it and follow me on my journey!
God Bless you and give you Peace,
Little Servant Doni