Monday, April 30, 2018

Pearls of Wisdom - Cultivating your pearl...

So do you know how pearls are made?

Oysters make pearls in response to an irritant, such as a grain of sand or another object. When any irritant makes its way between the mollusk's shell and mantle, the creature produces nacre, a protective coating that helps reduce irritation.

So essentially it takes its irritant/problem and creates a beautiful pearls that we then wear around our neck. So this pearl is like the testimony of the pearl getting through its problem and creating something absolutely beautiful from it. What do you do with your irritant? Do you let it scratch you up? or do you wrap it up and use it in your testimony to draw closer to God? Its all a choice, and perspective ship that your faith should allow you to make easily.

Job 28:18 ESV

No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; the price of wisdom is above pearls.

Therefor let us be wise in God. Let us be open to his healing through HIM, others and ourselves. Take your pearl and show the world you have survived and how beautiful you are.

May the Lord be with You,

little servant doni

Monday, April 23, 2018

Pearls of Wisdom - Contest Closed

What a week. We just got home from a weeklong stay in the Riley Children's Hospital, for my 4 year old son. He is having some G.I. issues. It is so hard to watch your child with tubes and needled in them, I found myself pleading with God often for healing. They still have not found the problem. I can only find peace in trusting God and knowing he has this under control. He will see me through it and HIS will shall be done. My son belonged to God before he did me. Honestly I feel like God is just letting me borrow him for a short spell.

I have met the most amazing people so far along my pearl Journey. I have connected with wonderful big hearted women. Amazing women who have donated gifts and shared their personal stories with me. I have been in awe of how God can open doors and give you exactly what you need when you need it. He will never give us more than I can handle and I believe it.

The nominations for the free pendant set are closed. The beautiful thing is that I intend to send a gift to ever woman who was nominated! So thank you all for participating and your time well spent will send a gift to the beautiful woman you shared with us all. God has blessed me so I have no other intention than to bless you.

Hopefully over the course of the next week I can catch up on some blogging and sharing of my studies. I am so grateful for your prayers and support. Please know how I can better serve you in any capacity in the future.

I love you!

Little Servant Doni

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Pearls of Wisdom - Parable of the Jumbled Pearl

So if you don't know me something you find about me is I am pretty open and honest.

I am not feeling my best today. Usually that would bother me but I am resting and trusting that I will be up to par when necessary. My head hurts and my throat is scratchy! You know that is hard for me because I love to talk so much. "Shush says the Lord"

Nominations are still open on my pearl contest and I have been overwhelmed by the love shown on the blog post. It just makes me think about deep things like; who have we forgotten about? what do I stand for? what kind of person do I want to be? what does changing the world look like from my perspective? what can I do today? what can I do RIGHT NOW???

All from one little pearl? Pearls are formed when an irritant, such as a bit of food, a grain of sand, or even a piece of the mollusk's mantle becomes trapped in the mollusk. To protect itself, the mollusk secretes substances that it also uses to build its shell - aragonite (a mineral) and conchiolin (a protein).

So a tiny irritant is covered in beauty in order for the oyster to continue to function. Essentially the oyster TRANSFORMS the irritant into a thing of beauty. Weather out of necessity or mere vanity the irritant becomes a Jewel. Take the irritant in your life (your testimony, your sin, your problems, your issues, your babies daddy, your boss, your sickness, your broke and brokenness) and give it to God and let him TRANSFORM it right before your very eyes. He will take it, change it, and give it back for you to put on your crown.

People seem so ashamed to share their "irritants". We are seemingly so caught up in the mere image of perfection, that we forget that relating to people means to empathize and/or relate to them. I sin. You sin. we all sin. We all have issues and problems, so why not confide in each other, without judgement so that we can help better each other?

Proverbs 27:17 New International Version (NIV)

As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.

We need to uplift each other. Love each other. Support each other. Learn from one another.

At some point we have to be the light/change that we want to see.

I love you, 
Little Servant Doni

Friday, April 6, 2018

How to Donate to Pearls of WIsdom

Ok so I wanted to have this streamlined in one place because I think talking about money is the bain of our existence, yet it has been rumored it makes the world go round.

If you would like to Donate please comment below or send me an email at and I will get you that information.

Donate to Give - Each donation ($30) will allow someone else to receive 1 cage pendant (random), oyster/pearl and necklace ( a 3 piece set). This will be given through giveaways and posted on the blog so you can see where your donations are going.

Donate to Receive - Each donation ($30) will receive 1 cage pendant (your choice of what I have in stock), 1 oyster/pearl and a necklace ( a 3 piece set). Delivered/mailed to you or the person of your choosing.

Donate to Give and Receive - (have your cake and eat it to?) a $50 donation will get you 2 sets (6 pieces total).  You can give one, take one, or give them both to people you Love. (or keep them both for yourself!)

Donate to ministry costs, - Oysters, necklaces, pearl cages, bags, cards, stickers, small gifts and love are included in many of these gifts and gas and stamps are very helpful to this operation. (Any amount helps.)

Lets watch God move in this TINY way.

Little Servant Doni


Be Blessed

What I have learned so far. Pearls of Wisdom

I almost got discouraged!

There, I said it. My goal is to be truthful and a bit transparent. I prayed for God to give me a direction. Check. I prayed that my heart could be softened to God's people. Check. I said  "HERE I AM OH LORD SEND ME" ( but not outside my comfort zone Lord because you know that is where I struggle.

I wrote the blog. I gave the invitation. No one showed up. Well, not in the ways that I seemingly expected. So part of my journey will be to highlight my new PEARLFRIENDS (yes I made that up) that I meet along the way. So back to no one showing up. Waiting isn't my strong suit but I wanted people to have time to answer. Nothing. I prayed on it and went to sleep.

Morning. I checked my blog and found two of the most heartfelt nominations. My heart was instantly melted and the realization that if I can even minister to one person, then my job is done (for the moment). I don't get to pick the outcome. I get to be obedient and watch God work his own Ministry,

I got my first ministry Donation! I have to tell you about that in another blog. The story is just too good not too share.

Then I got 9 orders, well my sweet salesperson did (I'll tell you about her later as well). So those order will help me to give MORE of these awesome gifts to those who may have been forgotten.

Am I changing the world? Probably not. But sending love sharing beauty, and connecting people back to God's heart while I do it. Is all I can ask to be used for.

2 Corinthians 9:8-11 Besides, God is able to make every blessing of yours overflow for you, so that in every situation you will always have all you need for any good work. As it is written, “He scatters everywhere and gives to the poor; his righteousness lasts forever.”  Now he who supplies seed to the farmer and bread to eat will also supply you with seed and multiply it and enlarge the harvest that results from your righteousness. In every way you will grow richer and become even more generous, and this will cause others to give thanks to God because of us...

Little Servant Doni

P.S. Always feel free to comment. I don't bite.

I literally had 2 cupcakes tonight. SO I cant bite. IM SO FULL.

Be a Blessing to Someone. God Bless.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Pearls of Wisdom (a TINY ministry)

Please bear with me. This post may be a lot longer. I have quite a bit in my heart on this subject so you will most likely see the theme (pearls of wisdom) as a blog title until this TINY ministry is completed.

Pearls of Wisdom is a way for me to serve God, by connecting and uplifting people through words, time, or gifts.

A little backstory. I was obsessed with pearl openings on Facebook. The surprise of watching the oysters opening. The celebration when the pearls is colored, large, unique, or even multiples. Each opening is a unique experience that culminates in the unveiling of this lovely pearl. It is like the adult lottery! The wonder and amazement on how this little enigma, with no brain can turn a little piece of sand, into a treasure.

I did not want to SELL the pearls. One I am a horrible salesperson, I hate it, I feel like if you want to buy something you will buy it. You don't need me singing a jingle in your ear about how fantastic an item may be if you already WANT it.

So I prayed and asked God what he wanted me to do. In the meantime I began to give these pearls as gifts. And not only did I give the pearl and the necklace and the pendant, I began

to make cards and add uplifting bible quotes and stickers and photos to create a unique gift for each recipient. The pearls are unique but so are the pendants, all a celebration of different beauties in life, Depending on how you look at it (perspective). So I wanted to start a small ministry ( a TINY ministry). The purpose of this ministry is to spread Joy and LOVE, to remind people that they are not forgotten, to comfort empower, to connect us to each other and celebrate the small things we can do together. So let me tell you about my pearl Ministry.

Pearls of wisdom would like to give the gift of a necklace, pendant, and pearl, to a nominated person (picked biweekly to start because this is all out of pocket). What's the catch? I need your participation! This is what I am asking of you...

Please nominate a special person in your life for a Pearl of Wisdom gift. Write a story about this lovely person, how they have affected you, and why you think this gift would brighten their day. I will randomly select a winner and they will receive the aforementioned gift (For male nominees we will offer a different gift).

The point?

1. To share our stories. Too many people are being forgotten. From hard working grandmas, to bus drivers, to teachers, preachers, friends, people going through hard times, and all walks of life. We learn from each other, Our stories are catalysts for change!

2. To brighten someone's day. There are plenty of ministries, churches, entities who celebrate people. This is a chance for me to celebrate individuals with a unique gift.

3. To remind us that we make a difference. Our actions matter. Big or small sometimes we need to remind ourselves that even tiny things like smiles can save lives.

so that's it. nominate. share. celebrate!

This will be the official entry post for the week of April 4th, 2018. Entries will be accepted until April 18, 2018. To enter, comment your NOMINATION BELOW.

(If you would like to join with me in this ministry with a donation please contact me personally and I will tell you How to do so! A $20 donation will provide 1 gift to a recipient and help further purchase of more ministry materials. Contact me to see how you can help.)

Love is always the answer,
Little Servant Doni

Don't forget to Nominate Below, in the comment section!

Why Our Yahweh?

So one of you may notice that I changed the name of my blog. Initially I used this blog as a place for me to expound, and relieve my thoughts. I would like to add on to the vision of this place.

Our Yahweh signifies my intention for you to be included in my blog. For you to comment, ask questions, give me ideas, share with others etc. So not only do I want to share with you. I though WE could come together and share with others. Ember + Spark = Flame (thank you Lisa) Iron sharpens Iron so essentially I need you, your testimony and your LOVE to live my best life! He is OUR God, lets share HIM!

On Facebook it seems as though real internal thought and conversation is not welcome. It seems people only want to comment on things that are cute, comfortable, mindless... But oh let that one friend begin to spew about their lives or what they are actually going through. Let me guess depending on the tone, you keep scrolling? I know there are times that I do. Then I realize that the reason I was on Facebook was to connect with others. If I am merely scrolling and liking photos, How am I really imparting myself into these peoples lives. And what am I getting from them other then the cliché Happy, picture perfect photos of their family (because we all know when we stop posting and sharing is when things in our lives aren't the way we want them to be).

So I want to invite you to take this journey with me. To become more personal, to make small differences in unique ways, to fellowship, to keep in touch more authentically, to LIFT UP OTHERS... I could go on and on, but Sharing, Loving, and Giving changes are made. Lives are changed, and people are remembered.

I invite you to have a more authentic relationship with not only me, but with God, yourself, and others.

Matthew 18:19-20 19"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

Little Servant Doni