Galatians 6
Chapter 6
We Harvest What We Plant
1 Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.2 Share each others burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.3 If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.4 Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.
5 For we are each responsible for our own conduct.
6 Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them.7 Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.8 Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
10 Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith. Amen
Good morning! I thought this was some good reading today. I was going to just post it to my page but it inspired me to share with you my feelings and share how it touched me.
Verse one is a big statement in itself is it not? If your brothers, sisters, children, friends etc are sinning then you should HUMBLY and GENTLY help that person back on the wrong path. My first thought was how most of us are totally ok nowadays seeing someone sin and turning the other cheek. We are scared to say anything. Or are we uncaring enough to say anything. And Im not talking about walking up to someone and putting someone on BLAST. The verse says gently and humbly help them. Love them enough to attempt to tell them what the sin is as well as speaking to them a way where they don't feel judged. One of the worse feelings ever is when someone tries to tell you what you are doing wrong while making you feel like they are holier then thou. We all sin so lets help our brothers and sisters in an uplifting way that can reflect Christs love for us.
Verse two... We are to share each others burdens!We are supposed to be a community of believers working together to do what is right and just. We are supposed to support and care for those who are broken, saddened, discouraged and lost. We should be working together and taking the" if one hurts we all hurt" attitude. That's just my opinion though ;)
Verse three is just an ego CHECK is it not? If you think you are to important to help someone else... YOU ARE FOOLING YOURSELF! How many people do we know and see that act as if they are too good to help someone else in need. I think we all should remember that one day YOU could easily be the person in need and since we reap what we sow. You might want to sow some good seed in case you ever need to eat from another brothers or sisters table. Our greatest command is to love each other as we love ourselves. Jesus says that when you feed the lowly you are essentially feeding HIM, and who doesn't want to feed Jesus???
Verse 4. oooh another ego check. If you pay attention to your own work and strive to do your best then you will have no reason to compare yourself to others. Work hard so that you feel good, work well so that you can feel satisfied in what you are doing, and do your work as if your boss is GOD and you will have no time nor need to compare yourself to others. You are not working to be better then "so and so" you are working to provide for your family and hopefully in some way to glorify our Lord.
Verse 5. We are each responsible for our own conduct. In other words "MIND YOUR BUSINESS and keep your nose out of everyone elses" You are responsible for your actions and conduct. SO be the best you that you can be!
Verse 6. We are almost done. Some of you probably stopped reading a long time ago. SHARE THE WORD OF GOD. Share your faith. Go boldly forth into this world because that is what God has placed you here to do. I can tell you that sharing my testimony is one of the most awesome, freeing feelings I have ever felt in my core. To tell someone about how much Jesus loves me just bring me a joy like no other. And even if they arent a believer the person you share it with might just open their mind up about God.
Verses 7-9. You reap what you sow and you sow what you reap. If you sow good seed you get good fruit. If you so bad seed you will gain nothing but decay nastiness and eternal DEATH. Lets sow some life, love, joy and peace up in this world! Can I get a witness?!?!? Lets sow some hugs and kisses and some friendships and some glory. ooh Im getting a little happy just talking about it <3
Verse 10. Lets take it home now. In essence we should do good to who? EVERYBODY! yes even your neighbor you cant stand. Yes even that heffa from high school that you are mad at. Yes even that parent that you feel wronged you. Yes even that person who stole from you. Yes even that man who hurt you to the point that you feel unlovable. Do good to them, that is medicine for you and for them. I promise you after awhile you will feel better about your life and the seeds you are sowing.
I love you guys. I love you guys enough to share myself and my thoughts words and love. I know I am no theologian but I thought it could be a fun and uplifting way to get the word into some of you that don't read the bible because its too boring, or you dont understand it etc. (im guilty of both of those) So lets share if you have anything to say add it. If you have nothing to add maybe just send me some love so I know I touched you.
You know I have to pray now =0) Heavenly awesome amazing father God in heaven. Thank you for waking us up this morning. Thank you for the word that you left for us to help guide our lifes and teach us about you. Lord when we read your word, even in little bits, Please allow it to touch our hearts and to motivate us. Enough so that we and others can see the change in our lives, that your love forgiveness and mercy bring. Thank you for everything you do and are, and Thank you for your holy spirit to give us understanding.
May God Bless you and Keep you, in Jesus name, AMEN and THANK GOD!
Little Servant Doni
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