Friday, November 8, 2013

Broken Glass

Broken Glass

Looking through my broken glass
Broken pieces of a broken past
My hearts been broken even though it was cast
Watching life go by way too fast

Through that broken glass

Light can shine through
Your heart is in pieces, your heart is blue
It’s hard to remember that the Lord loves you
When your broken glass makes your vision askew

Oh that broken glass

Dear Lord shine your light
Shine it on me, no matter how I fight
I know your love is pure love, so bright
Please take my broken glass and make it right

Broken glass

A mirror, maybe a vase
Something beautiful, Lord let me see your face
Just make me something, Lord shower me with your grace
My broken glass, gone without a trace

You can take this something and make it all ok
Renewed broken glass, a mess, just gone away
You have taken something, that had gone astray
And you shined your light, and showed me YOUR way

Little Servant Doni ~ 2013

So, I wrote this this morning and sent it to my hubby who then tells me that it is an awesome interpretation of a bible verse. Funny thing is I dont even remember reading this verse. I knew God was about to move. SO heres the verse in two interpretations;

1 Corinthians 13:12 (NIV)  
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

The Message (MSG)
12 We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!

One day my friends the meaning and mystery of this life will be shown to us. The reflection we see will be ourselves but radiating in God's glory. We are all broken, we have all sinned, we have all made mistakes that makes us feel like we are not worthy of God's love. The beauty of Jesus is this, YOU AREN"T WORTHY, but you get his love ANYWAY! Just like a parent, his love is unconditional, and no matter how bad we are we are still able to recieve the gift of everlasting life. Just ask him. Pray for it! He will renew your spirit and redirect your life. He will hold your hand when your hand is unholdable, and he will fill you with love and shower you with grace. Try it. My life is proof that Christ's love DEMANDS change, not because he makes you change, because you love him so much you want to change.

Each of us is a mess, a beautifully orchestrated mess. Created by HIM, creator of all things, and each of us in turn are displayed as beautiful pieces of art to reflect the beauty of God. You know how art is. Some people like it, some people don't. Some people only see the good some the bad. But No matter where I am in life, happiness or struggle, If I open my eyes and focus on his face, He lifts me up and I can walk on water again.

I AM struggling, but its ok, because he has met me. right where I am, and will continue with me until the end of my days.

I hope you take the time out to pray for me, because I am praying for you and your families, and all of our spirits and souls.

<3 Little Servant Doni


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